JV & Varsity Sailing
Winter/Spring 2021 registration is FULL
Click Here to Register for waitlist
JV Sailing Team is for any sailor from 7th grade and up looking to learn how to sail, interested in non-competitive sailing or wants to work towards competitive sailing but is not yet ready for the Varsity Sailing Team due to either skill or grade. The team meets Tuesdays and Fridays from 3:30-6pm and practices on a whole different arrangement of boats depending on skill and interest. There is also open sailing on Saturdays for sailors whose skills are becoming more developed, by invite only. New sailors will sail as a crew with more experienced sailors on Mariners, Hobies, Lasers, Sunfish, Fevas, and C420s.
Varsity Sailing Team practices, trains, and competes with the intensity required to be competitive at High School Sanctioned Regattas and Club 420 Regattas around the state of Florida. The Florida East Coast Series takes place along the Treasure Coast. Sailors are expected to maintain a high grade point average while managing their time time and respecting the values and ethics of our sport. In order to accomplish these goals, YSF requires a strong commitment from individual sailors and parents alike.
The team practices on the C420, a double-handed boat that encourages teamwork and sportsmanship. The Club 420 is a two person dinghy which forms the base of many local, high school, and collegiate programs in North America. Simple for beginning sailors and yet challenging enough for collegiate champions. The Club 420 offers more learning opportunities than any other double-handed boat.
Varsity meets on Wednesdays and Fridays from 2:30-6pm and has a volunteer requirement; consisting of one to two times a semester to help with the JV Team on Tuesdays. The sailors also have an open practice on Saturdays that is optional with weekend commitment when Regattas are taking place. The team is by invite only and is for sailors from 9th to 12th grade. Sailors are invited to sail from all over the county but have to be in Vero Beach High School or living within the school limits as a home-schooled student, in order to compete at High School Sanctioned events.
Equipment Required to Participate in High School Sailing Program:
- Properly fitting life jacket (see information below)
- Closed-toe shoes (they will get wet)
- Refillable water bottle
- Sunscreen
- Sunglasses with lanyard (so they will not be lost in water)
- Hat
- Towel
- Change of clothes
- Backpack or bag to carry the above
Please write your name on all of the above items.

Life Jackets: It is required that ALL sailors AT ALL TIMES wear an adequate PFD (personal flotation device – the proper name for life jacket). This life jacket (PFD) needs to be a brightly colored, Coast Guard approved, Type III or better with no collar that can get caught on the boat rigging. Type V inflatable life jackets should NOT be used in this course. PFDs are sized by user’s weight. Be sure to purchase the proper size! A whistle should be attached with a line to the life jacket and your name should be written on the life jacket. Appropriate PFD’s are readily available at K-Mart, West Marine, Wal-Mart and dive shops.